Her life however took a complete turn after joining Ghim Moh SAC. Committed to the growth of her seniors, Molly, the centre manager, went the extra mile to understand Siew Kee’s challenges and journeyed with her to overcome her gripping fears. Knowing that Siew Kee delights in learning, Molly patiently encouraged her to participate in various centre activities, such as their own catwalk competition, handicraft sessions, flower making, to name a few. The relationship built over time assured Siew Kee of Molly’s good intentions and she gradually learnt to trust her guidance. Siew Kee is now more proactive, even in establishing precious friendships with her fellow seniors. Grateful to the Lions Befrienders staff who have supported her growth ever since, Siew Kee acknowledges LB as her second home and offers her help whenever possible.