As most seniors speak only Mandarin or dialects, the language barrier was a huge challenge for Michelle to overcome, especially having to engage a class of over 10 seniors by herself. Despite the language barrier, Michelle goes out of her way to interact with the seniors by gesturing with her hands and observing their body language. She studies their expressions, which guides her in perceiving their needs and emotions. Michelle also goes the extra mile to research on Singapore’s holidays and festivals to incorporate the festivities’ themes into her art classes. To deliver a better learning experience, she invites her classmates along to the classes, where they back her up with the translations while she manages the seniors’ needs.
The relationships established between Michelle and the seniors show how we can always find new means to communicate, even without words. It is our genuine desire to connect with and our commitment to the seniors that makes a world of difference.“At the end of the day, language is not that big of a deal but our presence and us choosing to spend time with them,” said Michelle.