our books

LB has published its own books documenting the work we have carried out over the years, telling the stories of our seniors, clients, volunteers and staff. We invite you to step into the world LB by accessing the ebooks below.

Volunteer Impact Report

This impact report by the Volunteer Management team highlights the significant milestones and contributions made by LB's volunteers and partners in 2021, as well as the plans for year 2022.

25th Anniversary Commemorative Book

This is a compilation of the key milestones and achievements over the years. It is also a tapestry of heart-warming stories shared by our staff, volunteers and clients. We hope the book will inspire our readers and motivate them to continue to support LB to serve the seniors in the community.

Befriending Conversations

Published by the LB Befriending team, the book contains personal anecdotes encountered by our staff during their befriending journey. It features the life stories of 20 seniors as they share their past occupations, passions and hobbies.