LIONS BEFRIENDERS SERVICE ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE) HEAD OFFICE Block 130 Bukit Merah View, #01-358, Singapore 150130 Tel : 1800 375 8600 Fax : 6273 1500 Directions
BEFRIENDING OFFICE Block 130 Bukit Merah View, #01-350, Singapore 150130 Tel : 6375 8600 Fax : 6273 4521 Directions
Active Ageing Centre (AAC)
LB AAC @ ANG MO KIO 318 Block 318 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1, #01 – 1453, Singapore 560318 Tel : 6681 4900 Fax : 6554 2621 Directions
GYM TONIC AT LB AAC @ MEI LING 150 Block 150 Mei Ling Street, #01-59 Singapore 141150 Opening Hours : Mon to Fri 9am to 12pm, 1pm to 5pm Tel : Call 8721 8591 for bookings / enquiries. Directions
Home Personal Care (HPC)
LB HPC @ QUEENSTOWN Block 151 Mei Ling Street, #01-01 Singapore 140151 Tel : 66814950 / 66814951 / 66814936 Directions