- 60 years & above
A) Meet at least 2 items from Domain A below:
- No caregiver, or caregiver issues (e.g. caregiver unable to cope);
- Family or domestic issues (e.g. neglect);
- Social isolation or low mood (e.g. withdrawal from interest and family);
- Require review on environmental safety or unstable housing arrangement (e.g. cluttering);
B) Meet 1 item from Domain A and the below item from Domain B:
- Poorly controlled chronic condition(s)1 or advanced disease(s)2, which requires assistance and monitoring;
C) Meet 1 item from Domain A and the below item from Domain C:
- Physical, mental or cognitive impairment affecting Activities of Daily Living (ADL)** and /or Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL)*** or behaviour, which require coordination of services to remain in the community.
Residents below 60 years old would be considered on a case-by-case basis.
1 “Poorly controlled chronic condition(s)” refers to chronic disease(s) that has (have) not met acceptable treatment targets which resulted in active symptoms affecting the well-being or general condition of the person; or that may result in long term complications.
2 “Advanced disease(s)” refers to disease(s) at later phases of the disease trajectory whereby typically there is a high symptom burden, functional loss and/or poor prognosis.
** The six activities of daily living (ADL) set by the Ministry of Health are mobility, feeding, transferring, dressing, bathing and toileting.
*** IADL includes the six daily tasks: Housekeeping, Meal Preparation, Medication Intake, Shopping, Use of Telephone and Money Management.